Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another decision to make for success.

Today I will choose to be happy.
Beginning this very moment, I am  a happy person, for I now  truly understand the concept of
happiness. Few others before me have been able to grasp the truth of the physical law that enables one to
live happily every day. I know now that happiness is not an emotional phantom floating in and out of my
life. Happiness is a choice. Happiness is the end result of certain thoughts and activities, which actually
bring about a chemical reaction in my body. This reaction results in a euphoria that, while elusive to
some, is totally under my control.
Today I w ill choose to be happy. I will greet each day with laughter.
Within moments of awakening, I will laugh for seven seconds. Even after such a small period of
time, excitement has begun to flow through my bloodstream. I feel different. I am different! I am
enthusiastic about the day. I am alert to its possibilities. I am happy!
Laughter is an outward expression of enthusiasm , and I know  that enthusiasm is the fuel that
moves the world. I laugh throughout the day. I laugh while I am alone, and I laugh in conversation with
others. People are drawn to me because I have laughter in my heart. The world belongs to the
enthusiastic, for people will follow them anywhere!
Today I will choose to be happy. I will smile at every person I meet.
My smile has become my calling card. It is, after all, the most potent weapon I possess. My smile
has the strength to forge bonds, break ice, and calm storms. I will use my smile constantly. Because of
my smile, the people with whom I come in contact on a daily basis will choose to further my causes and
follow my leadership. I will always smile first. That particular display of a good attitude will tell others
what I expect in return.
My smile is the key to my emotional makeup. A  wise man once said, "I do not sing because I am
happy; I am happy because I sing!" When I choose to smile, I become the master of my emotions.
Discouragement, despair, frustration, and fear will always wither when confronted by my smile. The
power of who I am is displayed when I smile.
Today I will choose to be happy. I am  the possessor of a grateful spirit.
In the past, I have found discouragement in particular situations until I compared the condition of
my life to others less fortunate. Just as a fresh breeze cleans smoke from the air, so a grateful spirit
removes the cloud of despair. It is impossible for the seeds of depression to take root in a thankful heart.
My God has bestowed upon me many gifts, and for these I will remember to be grateful. Too
many times I have offered up the prayers of a beggar, always asking for more and forgetting to give
thanks. I do not wish to be seen as a greedy child, unappreciative and disrespectful. I am grateful for
sight and sound and breath. If ever in my life there is a pouring out of blessings beyond that, then I will
be grateful for the miracle of abundance.
I will greet each day with laughter. I will smile at every person I meet. I am the possessor of a
grateful spirit. Today I will choose to be happy

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Decisions for success

I have a decided heart.
A wise man once said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Knowing this to
be true, I am taking my first step today. For too long my feet have been tentative, shuffling left and
right, more backward than forward as my heart gauged the direction of the wind. Criticism ,
condemnation, and complaint are creatures of the wind. They come and go on the wasted breath of lesser
beings and have no power over me. The power to control direction belongs to me. Today I will begin to
exercise that power. My course has been charted. My destiny is assured.
I have a decided heart. I am passionate about my vision for the future.
I know that the purpose of analysis is to come to a conclusion. I have tested the angles. I have
measured the probabilities. And now I have made a decision with my heart. I am not timid. I will move
now and not look back. What I put off until tomorrow, I will put off until the next day as well. I do not
procrastinate. All my problems become smaller when I confront them. If I touch a thistle with caution, it
will prick me, but if I grasp it boldly, its spines crumble into dust.
I will not wait. I am passionate about my vision for the future. My course has been charted. My
destiny is assured. I have a decided heart.
I will awaken every morning with an excitement about the new day and its opportunity for growth
and change. My thoughts and actions will work in a forward motion, never sliding into the dark forest of
doubt or the muddy quicksand of self-pity. I will freely give my vision for the future to others, and as
they see the belief in my eyes, they will follow me.
I will lay my head on my pillow at night happily exhausted, knowing that I have done everything
within my power to move the mountains in my path. As I sleep, the same dream that dominates my
waking hours will be with me in the dark. Yes, I have a dream. It is a great dream, and I will never
apologize for it. Neither will I ever let it go, for if I did, my life would be finished. My hopes, my
passions, my vision for the future are my very existence. A person without a dream never had a dream
come true.
I have a decided heart. I will not wait.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Third Decision

T H E   T H I R D   D E C I S I O N   F O R   S U C C E S S
I am a person of action.
Beginning today, I will create a new future by creating a new me. No longer will I dwell in a pit
of despair, moaning over squandered time and lost opportunity. I can do nothing about the past. My future
is immediate. I will grasp it in both hands and carry it with running feet. When I am faced with the choice
of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act! I seize this moment. I choose now. I
am a person of action. I am energetic. I move quickly.
Knowing that laziness is a sin, I will create a habit of lively behavior. I will walk with a spring in
my step and a smile on my face. The lifeblood rushing through my veins is urging me upward and
forward into activity and accomplishment. Wealth and prosperity hide from the sluggard, but rich
rewards come to the person who moves quickly.
I am a person of action. I inspire others with my activity. I am a leader.
Leading is doing. To lead, I must move forw ard. M any people move out of the w ay for a person
on the run; others are caught up in his wake. My activity will create a wave of success for the people
who follow. My activity will be consistent. This will instill confidence in my leadership. As a leader, I
have the ability to encourage and inspire others to greatness. It is true: an army of sheep led by a lion
would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep!
I am a person of action. I can make a decision. I can make it now.
A person who moves neither left nor right is destined for mediocrity. When faced with a decision,
many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me! He
has given me a healthy mind to gather and sort information and the courage to come to a conclusion. I
am not a quivering dog, indecisive and fearful. My constitution is strong and my pathway clear.
Successful people m ake their decisions quickly and change their m inds slow ly. Failures m ake their
decisions slowly and change their minds quickly. My decisions come quickly, and they lead to victory.
I am a person of action. I am daring. I am courageous.
Fear no longer has a place in my life. For too long, fear has outw eighed my desire to m ake things
better for my family. Never again! I have exposed fear as a vapor, an impostor that never had any power
over me in the first place! I do not fear opinion, gossip, or the idle chatter of monkeys, for all are the
same to me. I do not fear failure, for in my life, failure is a myth. Failure exists only for the person who
quits. I do not quit.
I am courageous. I am a leader. I seize this moment. I choose now.
I am a person of action.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Seeking Wisdom

I will seek wisdom
Knowing that wisdom waits to be gathered, I will actively search her out. My past can never be
changed, but I can change the future by changing my actions today. I will change my actions today! I
will train my eyes and ears to read and listen to books and recordings that bring about positive changes
in my personal relationships and a greater understanding of my fellowman. No longer will I bombard my
mind with materials that feed my doubts and fears. I will read and listen only to what increases my belief
in myself and my future.
I will seek wisdom. I will choose my friends with care.
I am who my friends are. I speak their language, and I wear their clothes. I share their opinions
and their habits. From this moment forward, I will choose to associate with people whose lives and
lifestyles I admire. If I associate with chickens, I will learn to scratch at the ground and squabble over
crumbs. If I associate with eagles, I will learn to soar to great heights. I am an eagle. It is my destiny to
I will seek wisdom. I will listen to the counsel of wise men.
The words of a w ise m an are like raindrops on dry ground. They are precious and can be quickly
used for immediate results. Only the blade of grass that catches a raindrop will prosper and grow. The
person who ignores wise counsel is like the blade of grass untouched by the rain—soon to wither and
die. When I counsel with just myself, I can make decisions only according to what I already know. By
counseling with a wise man, I add his knowledge and experience to my own and dramatically increase
my success.
I will seek wisdom. I will be a servant to others.
A wise man will cultivate a servant's spirit, for that particular attribute attracts people like no
other. As I humbly serve others, their wisdom will be freely shared with me.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Real Estate Update, Upstate SC Greenville SC

Real Estate Update, Upstate SC Greenville SC

Decisions to make for Success The Buck Stops Here

T H E   F I R S T   D E C I S I O N   F O R   S U C C E S S
The buck stops here.
From  this moment forward, I w ill accept responsibility for my past. I understand that the
beginning of wisdom is to accept the responsibility for my own problems and that by accepting
responsibility for my past, I free myself to move into a bigger, brighter future of my own choosing.
Never again will I blame my parents, my spouse, my boss, or other employees for my present
situation. Neither my education nor lack of one, my genetics, or the circumstantial ebb and flow of
everyday life will affect my future in a negative way. If I allow myself to blame these uncontrollable
forces for my lack of success, I will be forever caught in a web of the past. I will look forward. I will not
let my history control my destiny.
The buck stops here. I accept responsibility for my past. I am  responsible for my success.
I am where I am today—mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially—because
of decisions I have made. My decisions have always been governed by my thinking. Therefore, I am
where I am today—mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially—because of how I
think. Today I will begin the process of changing where I am—mentally, physically, spiritually,
emotionally, and financially—by changing the way I think.
My thoughts will be constructive, never destructive. My mind will live in the solutions of the
future. It will not dwell in the problems of the past. I will seek the association of those who are working
and striving to bring about positive changes in the world. I will never seek comfort by associating with
those who have decided to be comfortable.
When faced with the opportunity to make a decision, I will  make one. I understand that God did
not put in me the ability to always make right decisions. He did, however, put in me the ability to make a
decision and then make it right. The rise and fall of my emotional tide will not deter me from my course.
When I make a decision, I will stand behind it. My energy will go into making the decision. I will waste
none on second thoughts. My life will not be an apology. It will be a statement.
The buck stops here. I control my thoughts. I control my emotions.
In the future,  when I am tempted to ask the question "Why me?” I will immediately counter with
the answer: "Why not me?" Challenges are gifts, opportunities to learn. Problems are the common thread
running through the lives of great men and women. In times of adversity, I will not have a problem to
deal with; I will have a choice to make. My thoughts will be clear. I will make the right choice.
Adversity is preparation for greatness. I will accept this preparation. Why me? Why not me? I
will be prepared for something great!
I accept responsibility for my past. I control my thoughts. I control my emotions. I am responsible for my success. The buck stops here.