Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Evaluating Investment and Rental Properties

Having had the opportunity to work with many investment clients and listening intently to what they look for and how they evaluate the Investment Property there are several things I can share. The most important thing when considering an Investment Property is actually the exit strategy. That may sound strange but all the investors I have worked with tell me the same thing. While evaluating Investment Property the questions they ask themselves are, How long before the property can be rent ready? How much will it cost to get it that way?  How many homes comparable to this have sold within a 2 mile radius over the past 8 months ( down from 12 months)? What amount of rent is fair for the area? Can this home be grouped with others for an investment portfolio? Once these questions have been answered the savvy investor can determine at what price the property  needs to be purchased for to fit their required return on investment. The most important part is to be ready to walk away if you cannot get the Price and Terms required to reach your return on investment goals. Hope this helped, let me know if you have other questions. Thanks

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